Friday, December 9, 2011

Blog of peers exhibit

I can honestly say I watched everyone's slide show. There were a lot of great ones!  I chose Andrew Reeds exhibit because I really love dogs and was anxious to see the images he included.  The biggest challenge for me was, and always has been, how to phrase my sentences and put my thoughts into print.  I have never been the best writer...too boring and simple.  But I must admit that after all the writing we have done in this class I feel I am a little better!  I just started writing and rereading and rewriting until I was happy with it.  Andrews critique was easy to do because I thought he did a great job showing our love and admiration for our dogs.  I couldn't really see anything to critique his exhibit except his font, not because I didn't like it, it was just hard to read sometimes.  I would like to read my peers critique of mine, although I think I might already know what they will say after seeing some of the other exhibits!  I will give my article a 7.  I think I covered all the points...just wish I was more eloquent.  I really enjoyed this project and learned a lot more than I thought I was going to!  I admire female photographers, especially at the turn of the century when men dominated this art form.  I  even want to buy some of the prints to hang on my walls!

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