Thursday, October 13, 2011


The first video i loved!  I have always been amazed by Frank Lloyd wright and to see his architecture was great.  I didn't know he created the 'open-space" idea or placing the fireplace in the middle of the room rather than the end.   He can actually be labeled in our times as a true "green architect because he designed his homes, for the everyday person, to extend from extension.   He used the environment as his palette when creating his designs.

I was kind of disapointed by the second video.   I was expecting to understand more about the process of using concrete and steel to make skyscrapers but found it more concentrated on the computers used to control a rooms environment.  I did learn that skyscrapers have to have a foundation and one way to do that is to form a pile that is used to dig into the earth's surface until it hits rock, thus securing the structure.  This video related to our readings because it used Steel and Concrete....necessary to create skyscrapers.  I didn't know that buildings have sway or that there is an allowed amount of sway to them.

The video on classical architecture was really interesting. I can look around everywhere and see the designs of the greeks and romans.  I learned that the romans originally used columns for structural support but also used it as ornamentation.  I learned that their buildings were proportionate and balanced and that is why they are reused in architecture.  I can admit that I could recognize the different styles of the favorite is Corinthian.

I chose the Frank gehry video because I knew his name from the guggenheim museum.  I learned that he started by designing residential housing.  He unlike green architects likes to make a statement.  he will incorporate his structure with it's surroundings but uses them to make his structure stand out.  I learned that architecture is in the architects can be done.  His museum design proves that...gone are the conventional lines and now there is flowing movement to a once stable structure.  I really liked the interviews with him...I love to see the artist..or architect...and hear what they have to say.

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