Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hand drawings

I was very apprehensive about this at first!  I have tried in the past to draw my hands and became very frustrated and gave up.  I must say that this time was much more successful.  The shading of the lines and the shadows were difficult at first but I just stayed with it and tried different techniques.  I chose pencil because I have worked with charcoal before and seem to get more on me as my arm and hand drag across what I am drawing, however I had to add many layers to the pencil drawing to get the darker lines.  I am horrible with my left hand, although I do drive with it...but that's it!  I was very unhappy with the rendering of my right hand.  I couldn't make straight lines, couldn't shade within the lines I made and basically had no control of what was being drawn.  I will definitely not use my non-dominant hand again by choice.  I like the realism I achieved with my dominant hand.  I think the shape is pretty good.  I would like to become better at creating the shadows  and the shapes that make them but overall I was pretty happy.  What is there to say about my non-dominant hand drawing except it is awful!  I couldn't shade properly or even create a believable outline.  My nails look more like stamps!   Not happy at all with it!

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