Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gallery visit 2

I was so happy to see that the Miro and Calder exhibit was still there.  I must admit that i appreciate Calder's paintings but I am not a fan of his sculptures...although I understand he invented the mobile.  The exhibit started with a huge Miro as you walked in.  As you entered the exhibit the artwork was displayed in a hallway fashion.  Calder's to the left and Miro's on the right.  In the middle were Calder's mobile's.  The walls were painted white because i believe there is so much color in both artists work that it would have taken away from the colors in the paintings.  They were placed in a manner that the viewer could move from one side to the other and see the artists simultaneously.  Calder's work is more known for his sculptures and Miro as a painter  of Surrealism.  I learned alot from the video I watched about Surrealism and Dada. Miro used postcards that he bought and recreated what he saw in that which is very hard to decipher , unless you understand what he was trying to do.  Otherwise the shapes he made, that do have a meaning look just like colorful shapes.  You can look at calder's abstract images and relate to what they are.  I now have a better understanding.  That is why I chose that exhibit.  They are similar in the abstract ideals.  They differ in the fact that Calder is more realistic than Miro about his.  You really have to look at miro's to understand what he is portraying.  I really like the way they showed the art.   You could move from one side to the other of the room.  I think they were trying to show the complimentery of the two.  I will always be a fan of Miro...however...I have an admiration of Calder now as well.

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